
Sunday, February 13, 2011

GoSick 06

GoSick 06

GoSick 06

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 07:56 AM PST

Darn you Kujou for making Victorique cry

Darn you Kujou for making Victorique cry

My thoughts

It is again a very good start for a new arc as there’s yet another random mystery right away at the start of the episode but wait… wasn’t it something like this for the previous arc? :tongue:  Though usually the culprit was caught right away, but for this time, it’s not. More importantly, there’s two suspicious characters seen in this episode which is the Nun and the Magician and I believe they’ll play a big role in this arc.

Like the previous arc, we’ve been left with lots of questions to be answered – why would the nun steal her own plate as she was selling it? And why was she not caught? Apart from that, we also get to know more about Victorique’s mother this episode and it seems like she’s a murderer which leads to Victorique intending to prove her innocence by going to the Village of Gray Wolves. Seriously though, I think this time will be a tough one for our cute Victorique here :tongue: .

But there’s one thing that bothers me though ; it was mentioned that the ” Gray wolves “ were not implying that they were actual wolves but were humans with certain characteristics that matches Victorique exactly – now that was a shock,  I wonder what’s up with that. And speaking of Victorique, she was very adorable this episode as she has shown lots of different and cute expressions. Her stubbornness was very cute and I was pretty mad when Kujou made her cry :cussing:  . Not to mention we get to see her in two new outfits this episode.

Overall, I really liked the pacing of this show as it was just few episodes ago, “gray wolves” was first mentioned but the next thing you know, we’re in the “gray wolves” arc. Take Asura Cryin for example, it has lots of weird terms but never bother to explain it so thank god that GoSick wasn’t like that :tongue: . Also I think this will be quite a long arc as it seems that it’ll be hard for Victorique to prove her mother’s innocence. With more of Victorique’s past shown, I have a feeling that somehow, she has more sad past that we have yet to see – which makes this show more and more interesting to watch as the episodes goes by. Hopefully we’ll get more surprises next week and of course, more Victorique’s moe-ness.

I wonder what's his role in this arc? hmm

I wonder what's his role in this arc? hmm

Victorique eating candies = overloaded cuteness

Victorique eating candies = overloaded cuteness

Thought Victorique wearing turban was not so appealing..

Thought Victorique wearing turban was not so appealing..

oh my...i wish i could be there to save her..

oh my...i wish i could be there to save her..



Victorique in another oufit was very refreshing...XD

Victorique in another oufit was very refreshing...XD

Her stubornness was very cute...=)

Her stubornness was very cute...=)

Victorique in Pyjamas!!

Victorique in Pyjamas!!

Moe metre overload

Moe metre overload

Lol Kujou

Lol Kujou

So this is Victorique's mother...=)

So this is Victorique's mother...=)

Apparently her father's face was not shown...hmm..

Apparently her father's face was not shown...hmm..

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